They’re the current generation (and the largest generation in history) making donations to your charity and apparently they’re much more generous than given credit for (as a millennial I could have told you that myself!). A report by The Millennial Impact highlights the generations desire to “do good” and that bodes well for charities.

They’re also not that hard to engage either. The secret, or not so secret rather to engaging them is to do what you’re doing with every other donor; appeal to them on a personal level. Seek them out where they like to go, Facebook, twitter, email (1).

Millennials care about issues, not necessarily an organisation. Getting to know what they care about, where their passions lie, is key . More and more charities are trying to build meaningful relationships with their target donors. This can be tough if you know nothing about them but CRM systems act as data gathering tools that can build a huge, detailed profile of an individual, allowing you to what makes them tick and how best to engage them.

It seems obvious really that technology can hold the key with the generation that embraces it!




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